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Understanding the Urban Watershed Curriculum Project

Instructional resources for students to engage with their local watershed and water systems in order to grow their environmental literacy and take action for a more equitable and sustainable future.


Connect students to environmental learning experience with For the Love of Water and Me and My Watershed modules and to one of the most fundamental elements of all living things-water.

Integrate outdoor investigations with classroom learning experiences
Ponder the question– Is water a renewable resource?
Everyone lives (and goes to school) in a watershed
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Dive into the development and management of the city’s drinking water, wastewater and storm water systems. Explore the relationships between the built and natural environments.

Integrate outdoor investigations with classroom learning experiences
What does it take for us to drink a glass of fresh, clean, delicious water?
Identify solutions to sustain a healthy environment
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High School

Engage students in environmental science by exploring some basic questions in the world around them : Why do we need to understand what science is, how we do it, and why it changes ?

Integrate outdoor investigations with classroom learning experiences
Discover the many faces of environmental scientists past, present and… you
Why do we trust science?
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