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Explore a Topic


Explore these short learning experiences and MWEE opportunities on a variety of topics. Data and observable evidence is collected in a hyper-local context as a way to catalyze big-picture thinking . All these experiences start with student-driven inquiry and lead them to take action. Even the smallest of actions add up! If you want to zoom out first, check out the Global Water Module. See how the blue marble connects us all.

Sense.Able Schoolyards

Capture, analyze and interpret data from schoolyard sensors to explore environmental issues related to Urban Heat Island, Extreme Precipitation, Air Quality and Environmental Justice.

Use local sensing tools to study and demonstrate the value of green infrastructure to your school’s ecosystem
Use data to advocate for environmental justice
Monitor and analyze change over time
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Connecting Trees and MWEEs

Learn ways to mitigate the current impacts of past racist development patterns as well as a changing climate related to the urban forest in schoolyards or surrounding streetscapes.

Discover multiple ways to experience and communicate the benefits of trees
Tell others
Integrated classroom learning with outdoor experiences and student action planning
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Stop Litter in its Tracks

Litter Index

Do a Litter Survey of your schoolyard ! Help Philadelphia identify where  trash collects, advocate for cleaning it up, and share your success.  Record your progress over time.  Be a part of the solution.

Be part of the City’s clean up movement. Conduct a schoolyard LITTER INDEX
Track your progress (and success!) over time
Join other schools in making a difference
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Is It Really Flushable?


What does flushable really mean? Students test the soluble properties of toilet paper and flushable wipes, using their evidence to understand the impact these materials have on the waste water treatment system. They thendesign a strategy to educate others on the impact of these common products on the combined sewer system.

Test the properties of soluble vs insoluble
Observe the soluble nature of toilet paper vs flushable wipes
Develop a strategy to educate others on the impact of these common household products
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Water Access Around the Globe

Access to clean water is a human right, students explore water in communities, countries, and contexts around the world. Using case studies from Afghanistan to India, students examine real projects underway that look to solve community access to water, through the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Discover the unique water habits of people around the world
Successful community solutions to water access challenges
Explore the factors that impact the everyday lives of people related to water, sanitation and sustainability
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